Rembrandt Harmenszn. van Rijn: The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp (1632)
(Mauritshuis, The Hague, Netherlands)
The subject
of this painting is an anatomy lesson. This lesson took place on 16 January
1632 during which Dr. Nicolaes Tulp, the official City Anatomist of Amsterdam,
would perform a public dissection on the body of a criminal. Such a dissection
was a public event and was open to students, colleagues and the general public.
The body is that of the 41-year old Adriaan Adriaanszn (Aris Kindt) who was
hanged earlier because of armed robbery. The main person on this painting is
Nicolaes Tulp. He was a physician, surgeon, writer, pharmacist and mayor of
Amsterdam. In his career as a physician he published the Pharmacopoea
Amstelredamensis which became the standard work for the The Apothecary guild
and required reading material for any chemists who wanted to set up shop in
Amsterdam. His other famous book is the "Observationes Medicae" from
1641 which contains about 231 cases of disease and death, including the earliest
Western drawing of a chimpanzee. Tulp also describes the condition we know as
migraine, the devastating effects to the lungs caused by tobacco smoking, and
reveals an understanding of human psychology in a description of the placebo
effect. Tulp also discovered the ileocecal valve at the junction of the large
and small intestines, still known as Tulp's valve. The other persons on this
painting are colleagues of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp. Their names are: Jacob Blok,
Hartman Hartmansz., Adraen Slabran, Jacob de Witt, Mathijs Kalkoen, Jacob
Koolvelt and Frans van Loenen. The persons who is missing from this painting is
the preparator who would prepare the body for the lesson. During the 17th
century, a dissection was regarded as a menial and bloody work which a doctor
would not do. Usually this type of work was done by a barber surgeon who would
handle all the type of work which involved blood. for this reasons the painting
is also lacking cutting instruments. The enormous book on the right is textbook
on anatomy. Tulp is showing to his colleagues the relationship between the
forearm muscles and the fingers. The anatomy of the arm is not entirely correct
- several elements of the different muscles are switched and in reality not
visible from this position. also interesting to notice is the signature of
Rembrandt at the top. this was the first painting which he signed with his
first name, rather than his monogramme RHL. This painting was probably ordered
by the Amsterdam Guild of Surgeons in the year 1632.