Paolo Uccello: The Battle of San Romano, Panel 1 - Niccolò da Tolentino Leads the Florentine Troops (1435-1460)
(National Gallery, London, UK)
This is the
first panel of a set of three. This sets depicts the battle of San Romano, 1
June 1432, a battle between the Republic of Florence and Republic of Siena. the
outcome of the battle is disputed as both parties claimed victory. The
Florentine leader Niccolò da Tolentino ordered these paintings to commemorate
the battle. In this first panel we can see Niccolò da Tolentino, with the red
and golden hat, himself leading the Florentine knights. Niccolò da Tolentino
isn't wearing a helmet to illustrate his recklessness and bravery. In the top center
you can see 2 knights who are riding away. They are messengers, sent by Niccolò
da Tolentino to his ally, the Italian condottiero Micheletto Attendolo, to
hurry to his aid. On the ground there are several broken lances and a dead
body. They were arranged by Uccello to create the effect of perspective. This
painting was created in the period 1435-1460.