Anonymous: Portrait of Lysbeth van Duvenvoorde (1430)
(Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
This is a late-medieval portrait from the Netherlands. The person on the painting is Lysbeth van Duvenvoorde. Lysbeth married with Simon van Adrichem, knight, sheriff and dijkgraaf (dike-reeve or dike-warden ) of Rhineland, on March, 19 1430. The scroll which Lysbeth holds has the Dutch text ‘mi verdriet lange te hopen wie is hi die sijn hert hout open.’, translated this means 'for long i have waited for a man who would open his heart to me' and with it she shows her love for her new husband (the painting was made in the year of their marriage). The heraldic shield in the upper left corner is of Lysbeth. Originally it was part of a set which had a portrait of Lysbeth and a portrait of her husband but the latter one is missing. Painting from 1430.