
Showing posts from November, 2015

Albrecht Dürer: self-portrait at the age of 26 (1498)

Anonymous: The Semper Augustus (before 1640)

Anonymous: Bird's-eye View of Castle Vredenburg in Utrecht (1550-1599)

Edwin Austin Abbey: The Quest for the Holy Grail, part 4 - The knights of the Round Table set forth on the search for the Holy Grail (1895)

Master of Rhenen: The siege of Rhenen (1499-1525)

Luca Giordano: The dream of king Solomon (1694-1695)

Huygh Pietersz Voskuyl: self-portrait (1638)

Pieter Coecke van Aelst: The temptation of Saint Anthony the Great (1543-1550)

Master of the Virgo inter Virgines: Mary with Jesus and 4 holy virgins (1495 - 1500)

Gerard ter Borch: Man on Horseback (1634)

Lucas van Leyden: The dance of Maria Magdalena (1519)

Pieter Aertsen: The Cook (1559)

Jan Brueghel the Elder and Peter Paul Rubens: The Garden of Eden with the Fall of Man (1615)

Georges Jules Victor Clairin: The Royal Entourage (19th century)

Caesar Boetius van Everdingen: Lycurgus demonstrates the benefits of education (1661-1662)

Brunswick Monogrammist: Brothel scene with fighting prostitutes (1530)

Hans Sebald Beham: Feldtwaybel Landsknecht (1530)

Marinus van Reymerswale: The Lawyer’s Office (1545)

Master of the Female Half-Lengths: Three women making music (1530-1540)

Christiaen Coevershoff: The Anatomy lesson of Dr. Zacheus de Jager (1640)

Master of the Holy kinship: The Mass of Saint Gregory with saints and patron (1486)

Hyacinthe Rigaud: Portrait of Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau (1702)

Osman Hamdi Bey: The Tortoise Trainer (early 20th century)

Cornelis Schut: The glorification of Mary/ The coronation of Mary (1630-1635)