(Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France)
An illuminated page made by an unknown Flemish artist. This page comes from a book about the Book of Revelations written by Saint John the Evangelist. This book is written in Middle Dutch (or Diets as it is sometimes called). The book consists of 23 folia. On each folium is a chapter of the Book of Revelations with an accompanying illuminated page which shows certain scenes from the chapter. This page is the first illuminated page which shows scenes from the life of saint John before he was banished to the Greek island of Patmos. According to old texts John was banished after being plunged into boiling oil in Rome and suffering nothing from it - this can be seen in the center of the page. Other scenes as saint John preaching to a group of people, saint John baptizing a person, John arrested a being led before a judge and John being brought to Patmos in a boat. Page from around 1400-1410.