Stanisław Samostrzelnik: Saint Stanislaus (1530-1535)
(National Library of Poland, Warsaw, Poland)
An illuminated page made the Polish artist Stanisław Samostrzelnik (1490–1541). This page comes from a copy of Catalogus archiepiscoporum Gnesnensium ("Catalogue of the Archbishops of Gniezno"), written by Jan Długosz (1415 – 1480). The book was orginally commissioned by Bishop Piotr Tomicki of Kraków. This page shows saint Stanislaus of Szczepanów as the patron saint of Poland, venerated by King Sigismund I of Poland and bishop Tomicki himself together with church and secular dignitaries. On the right behind king Sigismund I are Krzysztof Szydłowiecki, grand chancellor of the Crown, Treasurer Mikołaj Szydłowiecki and Royal Secretary Just Decjusz. On the left behind bishop Tomicki are canon Jerzy Myszkowski and two unidentified clergymen. The tablet on the left side in the border has the text "Vir inclite Stanislae vita signis pasione gregem tuam pastor bone fove benedictione guberna protectione sana salva s[an]ct[i] intercessione" (= O Stanislaus, famous for your life, miraculous signs and passion! O good shepherd, support your flock with your blessing, govern our protection, heal and save us through your holy intercession!). Page from 1530-1535.